Bodies of Work - Saturn Transits Pt. 2

Saturn is one of my favorite planetary mentors. This sobering Sally sets us up to build strong foundations for the successes we desire — and the potential we are meant to grow into. It gives us homework we can’t pay someone to do. We have to do it ourselves. So, if you want easier assignments, be the teacher’s pet.

This is part Two of the “Bodies of Work - Saturn Transits” series. In this post, we explore how Saturn transits bring shifts in our bodies of work and/or the approach to bodies of work. (I originally wrote this series for creatives, but feel free to shape the descriptions of each House transit to fit your own passions and professional work.)

It may be helpful to grab an ephemeris, notebook and writing instrument before reading through this post so that you can take notes on the dates, memories, and intentions that come up for you as you read about each transit.

Questions to consider while reading through each of the transits:

  • What dates did/does this transit occur in my lifetime?

  • In what sign did/does this transit occur?

  • What happened in my life the last time I experienced this transit?

  • If this transit is coming up for me within the next year, what plans am I beginning to outline? What desires do I have for my work? How am I feeling called to evolve?

Notes on the houses.

The houses influence our marketing, offering and communications styles. They show us how we can connect with our audiences (as in the channels we use to communicate our messages, the business models we work within, and topics covered in our individual work).

*Note: Look to the Sign that rules the Ascendant (aka Rising Sign) in your natal chart for insight into the language and copy to be used in your business marketing, personal mission statement and rally cry.  

Additional Notes on the Planet Saturn.

Ruler of Capricorn, co-ruler of Aquarius and exalted in Libra, Saturn is the task-master, teacher and realist of our solar system. This is the planet associated with boundaries, responsibilities, authority, progress, expertise, maturity, commitment, endurance, apprenticeship, long-term plans and progress, and the strengthening of one’s foundations. (whew, I’m out of breath!)

Saturn asks us to believe in our capabilities and persevere through limitation, fear and discomfort.

Saturn also means serious business, and you are shit out of luck if you want to take the easy road.

So, get ready to sharpen those pencils. Onward!

Saturn through the First House

First house associations: attitude, character, constitution, desires, the face, impressions, mannerisms, self-discovery, self-interest.

The first house is the house of self, identity and impressions. What do you want your image to say about you? How do you want to be seen by the world? Are you remembering to serve yourself?

If you have felt like your creativity was sleepy these past few years, Saturn’s transit through the First House will leave you feeling revived. You might catch a glimpse of a new self and creative path emerging and feel an internal nudge to up-level visibility and brand presence. You might host your first webinar or teach your first class. You want to be recognized and seen and have others see the talent you possess. Creative projects started now may meet with a slow start but find much success in the years to come. Patience grasshopper.

Saturn through the Second House

Second house associations: assets, banks, currency, material accumulation, possessions, reserves and securities, self-esteem, values, voice, wealth.

The second house is the house of physical money and that which you value. Where do you desire more stability in your life? What makes you feel empowered/dis-empowered? Describe your relationship to money and possessions — is it rich or empty?

During Saturn’s transit through the second house, your revaluate your relationship with what you value. Making and managing money (pricing, spending, investing) is in the forefront of your mind. If you have been afraid to look at your money, or haven’t needed to, this transit will present experiences that force you to tend to your money garden. This is an ideal time to clear money blocks/karma, rewrite money stories, clear debt, fix financial contracts, and address imbalances in business relationships. Self-worth might be one of your bigger house projects.

Saturn through the Third House

Third house associations: advertising, books and book-keeping, daily environments, education, journalism, language, media, prejudices + judgments, teaching, day-to-day travels. 

The third house is the house of communications, short trips, and siblings. What do you desire to learn more about? What do you want to communicate to the world? How does travel fit into your work or educational routines? How does the topic of siblings play a role in your life and work?

Because Gemini is the ruler of the Third House, you may find yourself writing up a (media) storm  — from books, email campaigns, podcast producing and guest starring, to marketing and pitching your work to new clients and media. The mind is likely to have more endurance in these areas of work, so get your message out there, network, teach classes and sign up for a few too! Don’t be surprised if you take your act on the road.

Saturn through the Fourth House

Fourth house associations: authority, parents, domestic life and foundations, gardens, land, private matters, spiritual security.

The fourth house is the house of home, roots, upbringing and investments in assets. How and where do you find home within yourself and your creativity? What does long-term security look like to you? What makes your spirit dance?

Now is the time to get serious with your plans to construct a solid future. Expect to take on more responsibility and deepen your relationship with your creativity. Rather than spreading your focus outward, you are drilling down and solidifying your position as the go-to person for your work/field. You may find yourself leading creative projects or managing a creative house. A land or storefront lease is also possible for your new shop or pop-up. Above all, strategy and mastery (in all aspects of your creative work and biz) are your new bffs.

Saturn through the Fifth House

Fifth house associations: birthing, children, entertainment, love affairs, play, racing, ruin (personal), sexual force, social affairs, sports, theater.

The fifth house is the house of self-expression, creativity, children and romance. In what and where do you find pleasure? How might you be neglecting your pleasure? Are you giving yourself ample space and time for creative expression?

While transiting through the house of love and adoration, Saturn asks you to do some work on your ego. If your self-esteem needs a boost, this is the time to do that much needed inner-work. Believe in you. Self-affirm your talents. Present with confidence. Make a name for yourself. You deserve recognition. (Remember, how we treat ourselves often informs others of how to treat us.) And, get serious about your creative work — seek out a mentor if you need help.

Saturn through the Sixth House

Sixth house associations: contracts, detailed and quality work, harvesting, health and illness, routines, support systems, work environment.

The sixth house is the house of health, responsibilities, pets and our workplace. What routines need upgrading, restructuring or a bit of shaking up? Where can the act of ritual bring more flow into your life? How can the hiring of a team serve you? How can you take care of your team?

Now that you have become a workaholic, it’s time to reevaluate your health habits including those of the mind, body and spirit. You have the discipline now to develop a significant body of work, improve technique, curate a portfolio, and become even more of a master of your craft. As you edit out the fluff in your life, just remember that being self-critical isn’t always the best motivator. Reserve some of the pessimism that comes with this transit for another rainy day. Because the subject matter explored during this transit is likely moodier, and the workload requires additional effort, add daily movement practices and meditation to your priority list. Seek community support as you grow and change.

Saturn through the Seventh House

Seventh house associations: fine arts (and sciences), employees, foreign affairs, soul mates, clients, litigation, peace, theft.

The seventh house is the house of one-to-one and contractual relationships. What type of people do you want to attract into your life, business and love relationships? What are you being taught about yourself by the people who are/are not showing up for you in your personal life and business? Who do you want/do not want to work with?

When Saturn transits your Seventh House you review your commitments. What is fair and how might have you compromised yourself too much? There is an emphasis on fresh starts and the clearing of space for new creative works —and commitments— to come forth. Tie up the loose ends of older works and create space for a new body of work to emerge. New creative partnerships might also present themselves. If they do, they are likely to be significant relationships with mentors, peers, and friends. Quality over quantity my friend.

Saturn through the Eighth House

Eighth house associations: bankruptcy, death and the dead, estates, other people’s money, professional friends, pregnancy, taxes, transformation.

The eighth house is the house of shared resources, death and rebirth, and power. What is ready to be let go so that change and healing can take place? Where do you want your money channels to originate?

During this transit, relationships with the body are deepening. Your physical body and the body of your business are highlighted through topics of sexuality and death, contracts and legal obligations, and taxes. Are these areas of your of your life’s work and business that require attention? What have you inherited under these subject umbrellas that now need to die? Invest in the health of your business and creativity, through unusual and new experiences over these next few years. Watch any financial investments under someone else’s management like a hawk. How you give your power away is another question that may come up for discussion during Saturn’s tour through the eighth house. 

Saturn through the Ninth House

Ninth house associations: dreams, outlook, immigration, philosophy, prophecy, published writings, distant travel, voyage. 

The ninth house is the house of long distance travel, discovery, communication and higher learning. What insights are revealed through new education and experiences? What beliefs are limiting you? Where might a shift in perspective take you? How can you communicate your message through writing?What does your imagination tell you?

Throughout this transit, you may find yourself interested in fantasy, role play and exploring the lives of historical characters. It is in this play where you can explore your adventurous side and take risks in becoming the person you envision for yourself. Take the road less traveled. There is a sense of adventure in your work and studies during this time as well. Perhaps you are trying to decide what you want to be and how you want to proceed as a creative. You may be introduced to the practice of book arts, book-writing, or researching for important papers. Creative work may be rooted in historical subjects, philosophy, and religion. By the end of this transit, you are likely to have a little more faith in who you are and what you can achieve.

Saturn through the Tenth House

Tenth house associations: achievements, public appearance, bones, esteem, fame, parents, power in society, rulership.

The tenth house is the house of career, public reputation, responsibility and legacy. Where do you want to claim authority? What is the mark you want to leave on the world? How do you desire to transform your career?

When Saturn transits your Tenth House, questions of status and success lead you. You are building a lifestyle for yourself and you are working with diligence and discipline to achieve your desired results. Perhaps there is a long-term ambition, project or goal that is finding its last act before the close of the curtain...what do you want to have achieved at this point? What new title will you add to your CV or resume? What must be completed –now? You are at the third stage of Saturn’s transit through the houses, also known as the Waning Square. This is the culmination of a chapter. 

Saturn through the Eleventh House

Eleventh house associations: alliances, ambition, charity, cooperation, community, friends, business income, society.

The eleventh house is the house of allies, clubs, hopes and dreams. What feels daring to you? Of those dreams that feel scary and exciting, which one will you dare yourself to do? What communities do you need to associate with to realize your visions and dreams?

Where will you take your creativity and life next? This transit will help you forge that path. There may be a shift in your community and personal relationships as you realize what role they play in your life and you in theirs. Some relationships may get left behind as you realize they are out of alignment with your new plans, making space for new relationships to blossom. Now that you have climbed the ladder of public success and acceptance, give yourself permission to have alone time as a way to sort out YOUR wishes vs those of society.

Saturn through the Twelfth House

Twelfth house associations: anxiety, bondage, downfall, fraud, hidden enemies, mental institutions, pseudonyms, private matters, retirement, secrets. 

The twelfth house is the house of the subconscious, karma and connections to large audiences. What are you suppressing? What is dying to be revealed? What secrets do you wish to share? 

Work behind the scenes or work that is generally in the shadows may be of focus now. There may be a pull toward the study of psychoanalysis, metaphysics and the magickal, interests that weave their way into your creative body of work. And, an exploration of energetic bodies is not unusual now, like reiki and hypnosis. Remember to keep good boundaries. That which resides in the Twelfth House can be porous and easily manipulated. There will be much time in this transit to sit with the question, “Who am I?” as massive cleanup is underway and you shed the residual crap from 30 years prior. You are really going to want to take out the trash now…it will get heavier if you carry it into the next thirty years.


How Bad Do You Want It?


Bodies of Work - Saturn Transits Pt. 1