How to Ace Virgo Season

Happy Virgo season (Aug 22 - September 22, 2021) and Mercury in Libra transit (today through Nov 6th.) 

Head’s up: the third Mercury retrograde of the year takes place in the sign of Libra from September 27th - Oct 18th. You may want to re-examine expectations around beauty or revisit commitments to using your voice (with gentleness and kindness.)

When it comes to style Virgo is the perfectionist.

I always think of a career tailor or haute couture seamstress; someone who dedicates their life to this service of beauty and someone who cares about the details, never leaving one undone.

Clean lines, beautiful beading, sustainable (environmental) practices and cohesive collections rule the Virgo wardrobe. And though I’ve seen many a chaotic interior home of a Virgo, I have yet to see a Virgo unkempt in public.

I assume it’s got to be easy-dressing for this sign…they only have every color option in the same style of garment! Tried and true is their go-to. But that gets stifling after a while and my observation is that Virgo secretly wants to color outside the lines of their classic polo and khaki look.

Let’s not get it twisted though; Virgo can get majorly stuck in the decision-making process too - analyzing every detail…which is why it helps to reduce the number of steps in dressing decisions.

And though the other style influencers of a native’s chart may try to pull Virgo out of the comfort zone, Virgo reigns it in, rarely allowing for ensembles to cross the border into flashy territory. (And I personally know SEVERAL VIRGO/LEO combos.)

When Virgo does get glamorous or dressed to impress the look is sophisticated, buttoned up, elevated. The lines of the garment are sharp. And yet, approachable. Warm. Earthy.

When Virgo wants to stop being so stiff we end up seeing the most gorgeous ruffles, bold coloring, chic piping or lining, color blocking and some very beautiful accessories like…

…a striking pair of gloves…be that Chanel driving gloves (Karl was a Virgo), the sequin glove of MJ (also a Virgo) or those dainty gardening gloves found on your Earth Loving Virgo friend (oh hey Stella!)

And, how can we talk about gloves without talking about the skin they protect? Virgo is the sign that rules digestion and digestive organs, the internal systems that offer clues of their health through the appearance of the skin. Turn to Virgo for the latest on vitamin, herb and beauty potion regimens.

Lastly, as we enter the month of September and begin the transition into the next season, call on Virgo for the closet care and organizing that needs doing. What is overdue for an ironing, dry cleaning, folding or hanging? What is ready to be stored in or pulled from the attic? What shoe boxes could use labeling? What hangers need replacing? What wants a visit to the seamstress?


Uranus Retrograde - What Patterns Want Cutting?


Libra-Ruled Items Every Wardrobe Needs