Taxation without Representation

Let’s talk about taxation without representation.

No, not that US history stuff. Rolls eyes.

Style stuff!

And, being taxed by the stuff in our wardrobes without feeling represented by anything in our wardrobes!

Hear me out.

This week brought US taxpayers the Federal Tax deadline.

As a US taxpayer who likes to wait until the very last minute to file any kind of tax paperwork, the tax anxiety consumed me for the past 10 months until my accountant had all he needed from me to submit my forms to my deep relief just before the deadline on Monday night.

Fortunately, I ended up with a refund. Unfortunately, the experience of dread having to look at my numbers is a huge tax in itself, and it got me thinking about how I/you/we might (unknowingly and knowingly) tax ourselves in other ways… and more specifically, through wardrobe.

We might creatively, stylistically, and spiritually tax ourselves by…

…holding onto pieces that feel meh, are uncomfortable to wear and trigger unpleasant memories

…purchasing pieces that are too small for our bodies as incentive to become smaller (no thank you diet culture!) or purchasing pieces that are too large for our bodies in an attempt to hide and protect what we might love about our bodies (no thank you patriarchy!)

…trying to come up with thirty exciting and new mix and match outfits to wear within a wardrobe that we actually dislike,


…denying ourselves the beauty we want to dress ourselves in.

When there is so much else in this world that taxes us, style and creative expression should be a source of joy.

Just say no to the Wardrobe Tax!


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