Your Personal Number for the Year

In the practice of numerology, we each experience the vibrations of a yearly personal number. This number influences the energetic pace and themes of your individual year during the period of a calendar year. When the calendar year changes, so does your personal number.

Your year ahead will experience the flavor of one of the numbers between 1-9. (The years before and the years after will follow the numerical order of 1-9. For example, if in 2022 your personal number was 1, your personal number for 2023 will be 2.) 

Let’s take a look at how to calculate your personal number for the year.

Calculate Your Personal Number for the Year

Add the month and day of your birthday to the current year and reduce the total sum to a single digit.

For example, my birth-day is November 14th.

I add 11+14+2023 = 68

6+8 = 14 (my lucky number!) 1+4 = 5.

For the year 2023, I will be in a Personal 5 Year. 

(Note: You can add down or across to reduce to a single digit. When adding and reducing each grouping of numbers individually, the sum of eleven is two, the sum of fourteen is five, and the sum of 2023 is seven. 2+5+7 = 14. The sum of fourteen is five. You always want to reduce to a single digit. Keep in mind, if you are making your final reduction from either 11, 22, 33, 13, 14, 16 or 19, these numbers provide additional insight into your year ahead. More on that in a future post.)


Now that you know your personal number for the year ahead, find your number’s description below. Are you beginning to experience any of your number’s themes at the end of this current calendar year? You may begin to feel the vibration of the upcoming year a couple of months in advance, especially if your birthday takes place at the end of the year.

I like to study years past with the same personal number as I will have in the upcoming year, so that I can chart patterns and take a guess at what might take place in the new year. The past two times we each would have experienced the same personal number for the year as in 2023, were during the years 2005 and 2014.

What did you experience in each of those years? Do you notice any similarities between the two? Are your plans for the 2023 year in alignment with what you experienced in the past two cycles? 

Below you will find descriptions for each of the personal years. At the end of each number’s description, I share some of my personal experiences during that year’s cycles. Have you experienced anything similar? 

The Numbers & Their Vibrations:


A Personal Year of One transmits the vibration of new beginnings. This is a brand new cycle in the 1-9 year cycle, and it is a fertile time for taking action and making decisions that influence the next nine years. The personal one year asks you to take a leadership position in your life, sitting with questions like, “Who do I want to become? What kind of life am I ready to live in this next chapter?” This is a time to plant seeds and shed the last of the old cycle. It’s also advised to be a little self-centered; this year is about carving out space to be an individual. One is the number of independence! Embrace optimism, have the courage to try new things and go get yourself some press if you happen to be in business. Don’t be afraid of making bold moves! 


In the past two cycles of a Personal One Year, I made significant moves of home, settling into a houses that offered stability into and through the two personal year. In both cycles I had many firsts like being featured in magazines for my work and participating in art shows. I dabbled in new hobbies that were supportive of my mental and physical health like gardening, mountain biking, and experimenting with cleanses and ayurvedic diets. These hobbies have had a long-term impact on my life. In the first cycle I completed graduate school and quit my steady job to begin a new chapter of self-discovery…not long after, I became interested in entrepreneurship and mystical studies. In the second cycle, I also left a job commitment I had been working for the past couple of years to make photography my full time gig, with a few brand-new-to-me side dishes of cleaning houses, installing flooring and virtual assistant work to help fill in the gaps. At the end of both personal one year cycles I was fully engaged in entrepreneurial and leadership courses. Even though my life had great spiritual and emotional challenges those years, my opportunities to expand what I knew was possible in life were abundant. 


A Personal Year of Two holds the vibration of teamwork, service, and spiritual growth. Patience and flexibility are emphasized. Partnerships are highlighted. Intuition and psychic sensitivities may strengthen. This is a year of slow, inner and outer growth as you learn about yourself through collaboration, community, and group work. You may be learning how to balance and/or give compassion to your emotional needs when there is an outside world you cannot control. Some questions to consider this year are, “Who can I reach out to for assistance with resources? How can I  extend resources and be of service? Who do I share mutual interests with?” You don’t have to go it alone.


In both of my past two personal year cycles, community and group work were highlighted. In the first cycle, I attended a summer-long Peer Mentoring for Mental Health training so that I could be a peer advocate for the rights of those challenged by mental health in my county. In the second cycle, I began several virtual community projects (thanks Covid!). These were slow, spiritual years when I trained in and leaned on energy medicine to get through the ups and downs of a year(s) that had many disappointments. The two personal year shines a light on partnerships with others, but it was the relationship with myself that deepened the most those years. 


A Personal Year of Three carries the vibration of creativity and imagination, dance and movement, youth and variety. In this faster paced cycle than that of the previous two-year, experiment with new hobbies, educational classes and interests. If experiencing an uptick in mental and physical energy, you may find yourself taking on a second or third job, diversifying interests and the daily routine, and/or engaging in more activities that bring you joy. Allow your curiosity to lead. Express your inner child!

Note: With so much going on, anxiety is also a possible manifestation of this number; therefore, you may want to have a stress-reduction plan in place as you move through the year.   


The theme that dominated both my three personal year cycles was that of self-improvement and stepping more into my potential. In both cycles, I launched public facing work that I had been thinking about behind the scenes for quite some time. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I also traveled often, and far. In the first cycle, I engaged in every training and class I came across from glass blowing to mediumship. My skill-sets diversified. In the second cycle, I experienced a major move of home, took on five different jobs (three at a time overlapping), and increased my client and social interactions. In both cycles, I wanted to find what would make me happy in the moment and for the long-term. I also sought out my ‘purpose’ in work/career, but what I discovered instead was work that would contribute to the long-term ‘purpose’ of my body of work.    


A Personal Year of Four brings the vibration of stability and order. This is the year to build foundations for long-term success — not the year for haste nor for pushing desires into manifestation. The energy is steady and rhythmic.  With the experimentation and gathering of information and skills in the previous three years, the question you are now asked is, “What do you want to create for your future? What do you want to leave as a legacy? What are you creating that is sustainable and long-lasting?” With consistent discipline and trust in what you are building, dreams will manifest step by step. There are no short-cuts this year. However, do remember that done is sometimes better than perfect, and good enough is sometimes better than not at all. Themes of home, family, ancestry, and roots are also addressed in the four year. What are you growing, and is your ground in the condition needed to cultivate those bigger dreams and desires? 


My four year cycles were rewarding and exhausting. These years were filled with lessons that helped me evolve into the next level of my being, so that, I could be internally prepared for what was to come in the personal five year. In both, I steadily built assets for my business and implemented more self-care practices into my lifestyle. Family was of major importance. In the first cycle, my ex’s daughter and her cat moved across the country to live with us full-time after a devastating breakup, and I attended the wedding of a best friend (I never attend weddings.) In the second cycle, much over-due healing took place within my family relationships. I flew back twice to my parents home after several years of distance to attend my sister’s bridal shower and wedding (the next wedding I went to after my best friend’s wedding nine years earlier). Emotional maturity and soul group/family healing was certainly highlighted both years. And, the work, visions and plans I pondered the most centered around legacy and financial security. 

I think it is worth mentioning here an additional note on the emphasis of family in the four year. In my personal journey with this cycle, the theme of family could have been ‘the work’ for the year (especially in cycle #2) because my astrology chart simultaneously highlighted any and all issues that needed to be dealt with in this area of life. Transit Pluto (the transformer) was exact opposite (+- minutes) my Natal Moon (the emotional body) in Cancer (the sign of home/mother/father/ancestry) for nearly all of my second four year. At the same time, transit Saturn (the great disciplinarian) had been moving through my fourth house (father/home/roots/foundations) for 1-2 years, nearly completing the cycle soon after the personal four year was over. I find numerology, astrology, and destiny cards seem to line up this way often…that is the great magic of this Universe, huh? 


A Personal Year of Five presents the energetic vibration of change, travel, and adventure. The pace of this year is much quicker, and visions manifest with less effort. This is a year when life sees a remodel. Career, home and personal relationships shift and expand so that you can more fully express your talents, desires and skills. The vibration of number five can feel both invigorating and chaotic as life finds a new rhythm. Remain open to the unexpected gifts and blessings of the year. Keep your focus on freedom and discovery and you’ll be alright.  


Travel, socializing and work were the three main ingredients of both my past two personal five year cycles.  In the first cycle, I lived abroad, became a certified diver, made lots of new friends (I’m very much an introvert), worked all sorts of jobs that year both while abroad and back home. I held multiple full time + part time positions at the same time. I became a resident assistant at the freshman dorm where I would live/work…it was a packed year.

My calendar in the second cycle was also packed with travel both abroad and around the united states. I was very social and connected in online and in-person work groups. Many of the people I met during the five personal cycles, I still talk to and work with on the regular. I also had more spending power in these years — probably because there were more lucrative jobs and money coming in, so I was able to make larger purchases. But my ex was also unusually generous to me in my last five year cycle. Nine years later, I covet some of the beautiful objects I acquired during that year.

Lastly, I believe the five year is a ‘breakout’ year. I have seen many folks divorce (as a way to find freedom), sell/buy homes, relocate, and start new and significant jobs during the five year. I remodeled a house in a five year. This is a year to state what you want and show the world what you’ve got to offer. Show up for your life! 


A Personal Year of Six invites the vibration of responsibility, pregnancy, beauty, and divine unfolding. This is a year for marriage and family, caregiving and compassion. You may feel a deeper sense of purpose this year and see more clearly the path your are meant to travel forward. Six is the number of karma, justice and fate, and therefore presents experiences that provide the space to broaden spiritual awareness and deepen one’s relationship with a higher power. Destined meetings and experiences may also take place. Overall, this is a year when patience and presence guide you as the rhythm of this year is more subdued and consistent. It is a great year to study, write or engage in a project that requires consistent efforts. Sometimes, it slows so much so that it is easy to fall into a rut. The six has a tendency to procrastinate or be so stubborn that progress is halted. However, when there is clarity of an idea or goal, momentum often follows, and the six vibration can help to manifest anything. 


The past two cycles of the six personal year were generally pleasant ones for me. I graduated college, worked the odd jobs while trying to find my way into a corporate world. Some divine and fated meetings took place, but they were hints of bigger things to come down the road. Nothing too spectacular really stands out from either of my past two, personal six-year cycles. They were quiet and lovely overall –and introspective, in a peaceful way. I kept on with one foot after the next trying to figure out…what’s next? In the seven year, the answers I sought were finally delivered.


A Personal Year of Seven guides the vibration of spiritual growth and critical turning points. This year, there is an emphasis on values, faith, justice, grace, understanding and surrender. Beautiful new beginnings and difficult endings can occur within this year, both asking that you/we take a deep breath and proceed from a place of presence. Are you listening to the deepest parts of your heart/self? What are you painfully resisting? Rest this year, and do your best to trust in the divine timing of events that prepare you for the swift and thrilling vibration of the eight year. 


Honestly, my palms get a little sticky and my head starts to sweat as the personal seven year nears. I know a ‘breaking-open’ of some kind is its way, and in the seven year, we cannot escape our intuition. The heart and soul know this is the time to be exposed to great spiritual experiences. I won’t tell you the experiences will be good or bad, because the judgment of your own experiences are up to you. But, it is safe to say the seven year throws some curveballs.

In my past two cycles of a personal seven year, I found the graduate program of my dreams applying with one week to the deadline, met soul mates, discovered my creative passions, experienced heartbreak and betrayal, and exited myself from prior friend groups and entered into community with new folks who were where I was spiritually and mentally. There was quite a bit of aimless wandering in these years as I tried to find my footing in new spiritual territory, but I kept walking anyway. The Universe always came through helping me find the right direction. Whenever I think of these years, I see wide open landscapes where I want to lay down and rest. In the stillness I can hear the flap of a bird’s wings or the crest of a wave breaking.


A Personal Year of Eight sweeps in the vibration of: power, progression and determination. Lifestyle upgrades and prosperity attraction are easier to come by. Take action toward what you want and state your desires out loud. Rebirth and transformation in work, being and creativity can occur this year. It is a time to say yes to your joy and long-held goals while also clearing the space for your wants to find their place. You can move mountains this year, making significant progress toward what you want, and who you want to become, as long as ambition and power don’t turn to complacency and dominance.   


Plan for your BIG plans to bloom this year as the eight year supports the manifestation of what you have been longing to experience. In both of my past two eight year cycles, I transitioned and unleveled from an existence that was working, but was severely limiting. It was time to “move on up.” And, in one of those years I did to a fancy new high rise in a neighborhood of New York City that was in the early years of it total redevelopment. Both cycles were materially abundant and gave me a taste of what a full and rich life could feel like. I had many new experiences within the eight-year cycle like going to court (and winning), adopting my first pet, traveling to some spectacular new places, and upgrading my home. I also had more financial power in both cycles as a result of my employment. Both cycles were not without painful loss however. There were relationships and lifestyles I had to let go of, quickly and without looking back, in order to leap forward in my life. There were moments of risk in the eight year that were very scary, but the rewards were big, and I would do it all over again.


A Personal Year of Nine calls in the vibration of release, completion and graduation. In this year you are likely to shed the last of what no longer serves your greatest and highest good from all the years prior in the 1-9 year cycle. To do so, you will be confronted with old feelings, stories and beliefs. Connections and insights will be made between the past and present that allow you to let go old blockages and move energy forward freely. In the nine personal year you will enter into the realm of higher education whether in a school of books or in the school of life. Travel back in time or journey beyond your previous boundaries to expand the mind’s awareness of what is possible.  

And know that experiences beyond your wildest dreams can come true.


My nine personal year cycles have been straight up magic. They were filled to the max with art, beauty, soul and spiritual expansion. I went on great big adventures via car and plane, traveling off grid and to unusual places. 

‘Unrealistic’ psychic visions and desired manifestations came true. I was very active physically, training for two marathons in one cycle and hiking daily in the desert canyons of the west (my heart’s happy place) in the other. I made quite a bit of art in both cycles, be that painting, photography or writing. I sunk deeply into my feelings and intuition. And, I was “in the vortex” as Abraham and Hicks say. At the heart of these experiences, I was getting back in touch with the spirit of me — the energetic self that transcends earth and body. My soul was preparing itself for the difficulty of the Personal One year to come.

What to do once you know your number for the year

Now that you have this information, you may want to prepare for and/or adjust your approach to the new year just like you would were you working with a progressions, solar return or transit chart in astrology: be aware of possible happenings, and take action using this awareness as a guide.

I’ll use myself as an example. In 2023, I will be in a personal five year. In my last two personal five year cycles, I signed on with multiple, new employment opportunities, traveled a significant number of times (or traveled for a significant amount of time), established important new relationships (some of which I still engage with after 18 years!) and expanded my life’s horizons. 

To be honest, I don’t know what to expect for 2023. My life, and the resources I currently have access to, are very different than they were in the previous two cycles. And yet, big miracles and blessings have occurred before, so I can’t count anything out.

As December of 2022 comes to a close, I am still working out some personal four year themes; however, I do see these four vibrational themes transitioning into the five vibration after the retrogrades of early 2023. (Mars will remain retrograde until mid-January when Mercury begins its first retrograde cycle of the new year from January 13th - February 3rd). After all, I have been hinting on my social media since May of this year that major change is coming within the context of my art and work even though I don’t know what the whole picture looks like yet. I do know, only now, am I 100% ready for those changes to begin. I guess we’ll have to see! “Embrace the unexpected!” is my motto for the new year.


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