How Do You Dream? The Neptune Retrograde

With the Summer Solstice soon headlining the seasonal stage, let’s talk about visioning, inspiration and dreaming. 

I believe the first step in developing a signature style is through dreaming.

What do you see when you let your mind wander? What develops if you follow an inspiration? What appears when you take away the filters and allow all the light of your creative visions to penetrate your life?

What do you dream?

In Astrology, Neptune is the governing planet of dreams, illusions, visions and fantasies. It clues us in on the sources of our inspirations and desires — for art, travel, pleasure and heightened sensory experiences (#alltheVenusthings). 

As the planetary ruler of the 12th House/Pisces, Neptune is the dreamer, director, cinematographer, photographer, visual composer…and in my opinion, one of creativity’s BFF’s.

Neptune is also the Roman God of the Sea, whose trident forks the ocean ground causing earthquakes and turbulent waters. Under Neptune’s influence, one might find themselves floating on dreams, carried by the dance of tides and sea mist or tumbling down ever further into the depths of deception, addiction and illusion. 

Neptune is going retrograde June 25th through December 2nd, 2021 when it appears to spin backward in the sign of Pisces (from 23* to 20*). During this time, we are given the opportunity to self-reflect, get right with make-believe and dream big.

If there are any artistic pursuits you wish to pick up again, now is the time. If there are any styles you’ve long dreamed to try, now is the time. If you’ve wonderedabout the role of art in your life, now is the time to take that creative adventure.

Don’t know where to start? Look to the placement of Neptune in your natal chart. The House and Sign where Neptune is located provides clues to the how and why of what you dream.

Neptune is the activator of our dreams and realities as it helps us reach beyond our limits and ego, see beyond the here and now and bring spiritual and creative insights to our work and lives. It is a planetary fun house for both hyper awareness (think Bradley Cooper Limitless) and self-destruction (also, Bradley Cooper Limitless).

Far too often though, Neptune gets a bad rap. Neptunian energies can certainly cloud vision and lead one to desperation, addiction, illusion, deception and theft of self…but without the shadow of life how does one see the light?

I want to make a quick note here that Neptune-ruled media also works in the same way: shadow shapes the brilliance of light. Take photography for example, where the use of flags, v-flats, scrims and various diffusers block light as a way to strengthen and sculpt the power of the light that does make it’s way to exposure.

So, even with all the shadowy baggage we might carry under Neptune’s influence, it also frees us to experience a brighter side of our realities. Neptune aspects in the chart can heighten imagination, dissolve illusions and support manifestation and brilliant reality-making. 

The Neptune Retrograde provides the opportunity to get clear on what no longer serves, to let go of life patterns that are limiting your evolution and to build magnificent castles on solid ground. All of this is applicable to creative bodies of work + creative process and personal style + vision-making for your future.   

Neptune Transits

Look at where Neptune is transiting your chart  and any aspects it may be making with other planets for more insight on how to specifically work with the Neptune Retrograde energy in your business, personal life and creative practice throughout the second half of this year.

Below, are some questions to get you started on thinking about how to make magic with the Neptune Retrograde as it transits the houses of the natal chart.

Neptune Rx Transit the First House: 

Who am I if I am not what others say I am? / What impression do I want to make?

Neptune Rx Transit the Second House:

Am I putting my financial plans into action? / How am I investing in my style?

Neptune Rx Transit the Third House:

Am I being clear with myself and others? / What do I want to communicate through my style?

Neptune Rx Transit the Fourth House:

What can I do to strengthen my spiritual foundations? / How do parental judgements play a role in the way I show up in the world and for myself?

Neptune Rx Transit the Fifth House:

What no longer wants to be gambled? / Is it time to rock a pair of rose-colored glasses? ;)

Neptune Rx Transit the Sixth House:

What areas of my health are needing attention? / Are my clothes supporting my body?

Neptune Rx Transit the Seventh House:

Am I being honest in my relationships? / Am I being faithful to my authentic self?

Neptune Rx Transit the Eighth House:

Am I in right relationship with my boundaries? / How can my creativity benefit from others’ resources?

Neptune Rx Transit the Ninth House:

Are my old dreams still serving my future self? / What have I longed to explore within my style and creativity?

Neptune Rx Transit the Tenth House:

What do I want for my career? / How do I want to show up in the world?

Neptune Rx Transit the Eleventh House:

What is my relationship like with community? What does community mean to me? / Am I in a community that supports my creative hopes and wishes?

Neptune Rx Transit the Twelfth House:

How can I help myself? / What is my relationship to dreaming?


Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, notes for Self Expression


I Want My Things! The Moon in Cancer